


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ed to the best findings, while the use of 0.02% acetic acid was more appropriate in negative ionization mode.
2                                            The annular area was more closely correlated with the right atrial volume than
3                             T2-mesiotemporal hyperintensity was more common in LGI1-IgG-positive (41%) than in CASPR2-IgG
4                                                   Dizziness was more common in the pregabalin group than in the placebo g
5                                                   Akathisia was more common with aripiprazole at week 2 (observed in 34 [
6                                                    Diarrhea was more common with pertuzumab than with placebo.
7 e in rivers throughout the world when large migratory herds were more common features of the landscape.
8 latively rare, non-AIDS-defining infection hospitalizations were more common.
9 ng speed and susceptibility to perturbations, when present, were more complex than anticipated.
10                   EEF efficacies in wheat and maize systems were more complicated and generally less effective.
11                         Indospicine and 2-aminopimelic acid were more cytotoxic than arginine, displaying the highest tox
12      INTERPRETATION: In this short-term study, risankizumab was more effective than placebo for inducing clinical remissi
13               In the tested conditions, the GLY environment was more effective than the HRGS system in promoting the oxid
14                      Land cover diversity and fragmentation were more explanatory than land cover types.
15 , nausea, fatigue, and peripheral neuropathy, whereas edema was more frequent after DC.
16               INTERPRETATION: Decline in cognitive function was more frequent with WBRT than with SRS and there was no di
17                                              Adverse events were more frequent with clindamycin (58 of 265 [21.9%]) than
18 nule proteins major basic protein and eosinophil peroxidase were more frequently detected in the bronchoalveolar lavage f
19 y, the level of sanitation access of surrounding households was more important than private latrine access for protecting
20                               Coronary artery calcium score was more likely than age to provide higher category-free net
21 ssistance (KPS 10%-40%) vs being independent (KPS 80%-100%) were more likely to be discharged to a rehabilitation facilit
22 have a longer hospital stay (2.9 d vs. 2.5 d, P <0.001) and were more likely to be discharged to a rehabilitation facilit
23                                                  Asthmatics were more likely to be hospitalized but less likely to suffer
24                   Radical prostatectomy centres that closed were more likely to be located in areas with stronger competi
25                        Patients who met the primary outcome were more likely to be older, smokers, have a history of hemo
26           Under predation threat, narwhal movement patterns were more likely to be transiting, whereas in the absence of
27 ustment, patients undergoing surgery by low-volume surgeons were more likely to experience complications (odds ratio 1.51
28         Compared with those without diabetes mellitus, they were more likely to have a history of myocardial infarction (
29 pared with non-users, patients using opioids preoperatively were more likely to have a longer hospital stay (2.9 d vs. 2.
30                           Bacteriologically confirmed cases were more likely to have a measurable decline in IP-10 at day
31                                             LV1-44 patients were more likely to have cardiac involvement.
32 lume hospital were younger (64.7 vs 72.7 yr; p < 0.001) and were more likely to have commercial insurance (19.6% vs 10.6%
33                           Bacteriologically confirmed cases were more likely to have high IP-10 levels at D0 and had a st
34                                                         Men were more likely to indicate that family responsibilities neg
35                 Individuals with the rs2242446 C/C genotype were more likely to remit (73.1%) than those with either the
36 ars, frequent indoor tanners (>/=10 times in the past year) were more likely to report never/rare use of protective cloth
37 ion in communities that had all four drug classes available were more likely to use at least one blood pressure-lowering
38                                                  The impact was more marked at the flower-rich site (all colonies perform
39                                        Although macrophages were more potent in uptaking tumor DNA, increase of DNA sensi
40                                       Lengthening of 3'UTRs was more prevalent in the injured axons, including the newly
41                                                Cost savings was more prominent amongst high-risk patients where the diffe
42 lar, however, the levels of inflammatory cytokines and MDSC were more pronounced post-cART.
43     In both environments, we found that stream sticklebacks were more resistant to Gyrodactylus and had different gene ex
44                                      The mfERG P1 amplitude was more sensitive than the P1 implicit time and was lower in
45  role in the peroxynitrite response, because the ohr mutant was more sensitive than wild type to 3-morpholinosydnonimine
46 n, as did podocyte-specific PPAR-gamma knockout mice, which were more sensitive to adriamycin and not protected by silden
47 ferentiated into DARPP32-positive neurons, these HD neurons were more susceptible to death than WT neurons and formed Htt
48                                  Finally, epithelial tumors were more susceptible to elimination by immunotherapy than co
49     The odds of a reduction in the oral glucocorticoid dose were more than 4 times as high with benralizumab as with plac
50                           IRs among patients aged 0-4 years were more than double overall IRs.

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